Successful Communication

by | Jul 26, 2022 | Self-awareness

Have you ever tried focussing on listening to a friend and realised how much he had revealed about himself? More often than not, people reveal much about their lifestyle, personality and upbringing through the way they speak. Often people are judged based on the way they speak, and most of the time conclusions are accurate. The way we speak reveals a lot about us. By being aware of the way we speak and on focusing on the most effective way to bring our self across, we can ensure successful communication.

How we speak actually reveals our upbringing and how refined we are or otherwise. In certain circles we are used to hearing local profanities or slangs. If a person uses them extensively, you will be able to tell that that person has been brought up in a more unsophisticated environment, where such actions are condoned. In contrast, a person brought up in a more refined environment will watch what he or she says more carefully, ensuring that he or she does not make a bad impression and is always appropriate. Therefore, based on the environment people are brought up in, their speech patterns will differ accordingly and communicate their family background.

The way we speak can also reveal our personalities. For example, if a person does not speak a lot, we are able to tell that he is an introvert. If a person reacts with negative opinions to jokes, we are able to tell how serious of a person he is. If a person keeps bragging about his accomplishments, we are able to identify how self-centred he is. Through the different ways and different things people communicate about, we can get to know more about them as a person, their opinions and their outlooks.

However, one may argue that the way we speak can differ with the situation and circumstance. Different situations require different speech patterns. For example, when you go to a stylish restaurant, you are expected to speak politely in standard versions of the language. Yet, in a less formal setting, we normally use the everyday version of the language. That being said, the way we use language in our individual daily conversations will still show our personalities. For example, an extrovert will be extroverted regardless of the language he uses.

In conclusion, the way we speak definitely shows what kind of a person we are, because it reveals our personalities, how outgoing we are and our thought processes. It also shows about our background and upbringing, our confidence, our emotional state, ability to use language and even our geographical origin. From casual conversations to formal presentations, our choice of words and our tone and style can surely reveal more about us than we imagine and ensure successful communication.