Be A Good Passenger

by | Aug 2, 2022 | Self-awareness

We are all taught how to be good drivers, but what about how to be a good passenger? Passengers in vehicles have two responsibilities: to avoid distracting the driver and to help the driver avoid other distractions. Everyone in the vehicle needs to work together to limit distractions, and we can all start by being better passengers.

Very important, we should also know how to properly conduct ourselves in another person’s car.  Be informed of seating etiquette, eating etiquette inside a vehicle, and in general how we treat the driver’s car – it is after all someone’s personal belonging and their personal space and we should treat it as such.

Unlike what you might think, you don’t become a passenger in a car once you’re sitting inside, but as soon as you open the door to sit down. Even if the passenger is under the responsibility of the driver, he has duties to fulfill.

1. Make sure that all interactions with the driver are considerate and not distracting.

2. Don’t talk too loudly or putting music on the radio too loud it can distract the driver and possibly cause an accident.

3. Be cautious – wear your seat belt.

4. Don’t wait for the driver to tell you to put on your safety belt or refuse to put it on when asked.

5. Don’t stress the driver by starting arguments or giving advice on how to drive.

6. Co-pilot with respect and consideration. Warn the driver when navigating on the road, however, make sure that you do not warn the driver about unnecessary things. Your warning might take away attention from actually more important events on the road.

7. The entry and exit of a passenger must be done in optimal safety conditions. The greatest care must, therefore, be taken when opening the door so as not to obstruct traffic on the road.

Even if the driver has the most responsibility, the passenger also has a part to play when it comes to safety in the car: making sure that the driver is in the best conditions for a safe and enjoyable journey.

Lastly, brush up on general good manners like greeting the moment you open the car door, wiping your feet before you get in, keeping the car neat and clean and closing the car door without slamming it as you exit. Be a good passenger. 🙂