Table manners play an important part in making a favourable impression. They are visible signals of your manners, and therefore, are essential to professional success. leave a lasting impression.
A conqueror had to choose an elite among his warriors to lead them into battle and asked his advisor how to find the elite. The advisor told him to set up long tables to provide his finest warriors with a meal of multiple dishes, starting with soup.
“Now watch,” his advisor said. “Most of your warriors will lower their gaze to the table and scarf up the food, but the elite among them will sit up straight and lift the food up to their mouths, so that their gaze will remain alert on their surroundings.”
No matter what era you or socioeconomic background you come from, if you have good manners you will fit in anywhere.
There is a distinct difference between those people who have good table manners and those who do not.
No matter how educated you are, if your manners are not good, then sadly no one will be able to respect you.
When to Eat
If you are eating out, you should wait until all the members of your group have been served before picking up your fork. At a private dinner, observe the host or hostess and pick up your fork when he or she does. However, if you are at a buffet, you may start when there are others seated at your table.
One of the most common issues to confuse today’s diners is which utensil to use for each course. A typical rule of thumb is to start with the utensil that is farthest from your plate and work your way toward the center of your place setting.
If you see the host or hostess doing something different, you may follow his or her lead. The important thing is to remain as inconspicuous as possible. You don’t want to call negative attention to yourself.