What is A Vision Board?
A vision board is a collection of pictures, quotes, phrases, words and numbers that inspire you, to which you aspire to have in your life, pasted onto a poster or cardboard. This board is put up somewhere where you can see it daily.
What Is The Value Of A Vision Board?
It is important to have direction or at least have an idea of what you want out of life. If you don’t have a destination in mind, how will you get there? You need to have a dream; you need to have a vision.
A Vision Board Does Not Do Magic
It is not the pictures and words on your vision board that miraculously brings the things you have on it. A vision board focuses your unconscious mind on the things you wish to have in your life.
What you think you become, what you focus on is what you get.
If the images on your vision board makes it more likely for you to make the choices and taking the action to bring those things into your life.
A Vision Board Is Unique To You
Your vision board must come from your heart. It is expressing your inner self, your dreams, desires and aspirations. Think of what makes your heart beat faster, what makes you happy, what inspires you, what drives you, what do you want to achieve, what is your purpose.
How Does A Vision Board Work?
When we play a ball game, we keep our eye on the ball when we catch it or when we hit it with the bat. Likewise, when we hit for a goal, we aim at the goal post and not the ball. You focus on what you want to achieve.
When you are in the market to buy a new car and have a specific brand and model in sight, suddenly all you see is that specific car. Even in your preferred colour! What you focus on comes to the foreground. As a result, you will become more conscious of the opportunities presenting themselves and choose them.
The next step is of course to take action. To have your vision come to reality, you have to do more than look at your board. You have to use your resources, be open to opportunities and put in the effort and work at it, daily.
Visualising is a wonderful tool. It gives direction, motivation and inspiration. But it is the combination of vision and action, that will ensure living the life of your choice.
Vision boards act as a map toward our dreams and goals, helping us to focus, plan, and do the tasks necessary on the way to achieving them.
What You Think, You Become. What You Focus On, You Get
Whether it is negative or positive, what you focus on you get. As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
Make sure you focus on the positive and that you know the direction you want your life to go.
Some of the world’s most influential thought leaders—Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Oprah, for starters—all agree: It’s totally possible to turn your dreams into reality. It’s called manifestation. Well, that and hard work.