A student is registered once the parent/guardian has signed the enrolment form and it has been handed in. Your child is considered enrolled until such time as the parent gives notice and NOT necessarily at the end of a calendar year.
FEES 2024
R590 per month, payable for 12 months: January – December, first month payable pro-rata.
Discount is offered to families where there is more than one child enrolled:
R885 (R590 + R295) per month for 2 siblings, R1,035 (R590 + R295 + R150) for 3 siblings.
Payments to be made to:
SAVINGS ACCOUNT 157 787 1160
Payments to reflect oldest child’s name.
Offered according to a four-term school timetable. Duration: 1 hour/lesson.
One month’s notice is required in writing from the parent/guardian.
Selected extra events will be at an additional cost and determined closer to the time. These events are the highlights of our syllabus but are not compulsory.
Such as:
• Photo shoot. (Student will receive a photo package.)
• Charity fashion show. (Participation fee.)
• Graduation.
Maryna Stevenson Personal Development reserves the right to take photographs and footage at organised events. These may be used for marketing and publicity in our publications and in social media or in any third-party publication. Please notify Maryna Stevenson Personal Development in writing if you have any concerns or if you wish your child to be exempted from this activity.
Unless otherwise stated, all images, video clips and sound recordings appearing on this profile/site are either owned by, or licensed to Maryna Stevenson Personal Development or used with the express permission of the authors/photographers/licensees. Copyright is strictly reserved, and no work, or part thereof, may be used or adapted in any way, without the express, written consent of Maryna Stevenson Personal Development. It is prohibited to reproduce any information on this profile/site. Web crawling is forbidden. No use of this information may be made for commercial purposes, including the operation of any aggregated etiquette or training marketing search engine. Permission to use content on this site, including text, graphics, logos, icons, designs, colours, sounds, maps, links to and from, layout elsewhere and conditions can be addressed to maryna@marynastevenson.co.za.
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Courtoisie School of Etiquette will treat all personal information provided to us as strictly confidential and no personal information will be made available to third parties, unless obliged to do so by law or legal process. Maryna Stevenson Personal Development will endeavour to use all measures available to it to protect personal information such as your name, email address, mailing address and credit card details. This site may use “cookies” to customize it and make your visit to us more user friendly. Cookies cannot harm your computer in any way and are an industry standard. They are small text files that contain only information provided by you, the visitor, to the website. Furthermore, users may configure their browsers to not accept our cookies. Maryna Stevenson Personal Development may send email messages to our customers with news and special offers and users may by return mail choose to unsubscribe.
Although it is the intention of Maryna Stevenson Personal Development to provide accurate and up to date information neither itself its Agents or its employees give any warranties expressly tacitly or implied that this information is accurate and up to date. Maryna Stevenson Personal Development, it’s employees, agents and associates will not be liable for any damage of whatsoever nature arising or resulting from the use of or inability to use this site or the information contained hereon, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damage.
This profile/website contains content provided by third parties and hyperlinks to other sites (“third party sites”). Maryna Stevenson Personal Development has no control or influence over third party sights and therefore accepts no liability that may be deemed as defamatory in nature, unlawful or criminal. Should any information relating to third party sights accessed via Maryna Stevenson Personal Development be deemed by yourself to be inaccurate defamatory or criminal we request you notify us at maryna@marynastevenson.co.za for us to investigate and possibly remove the link.