Maryna Stevenson is an etiquette and image consultant and the founder of the Courtoisie School of Etiquette.

With occupational psychology as background, Maryna beliefs every individual possesses the necessary skills to make a unique contribution in the world we live in. Maryna is passionate about helping people to levitate above what they perceive to be their limitations and for them to realize how gifted they really are and what wonderful opportunities are indeed available to them.

Technical skill and knowledge alone are no longer enough. Research has shown that 85% of work success results from well-developed soft and people skills. Courtoisie School of Etiquette empowers students to rise above, expect more, achieve more, believe in, and distinguish themselves.

Knowing what to say, what to wear, and how to conduct ourselves not only opens many doors but also puts us at ease and brings out the best in us. The good manners children learn at an early stage will carry over into adulthood and will form sound core values in friendships, family life, and careers. Armed with the knowledge of good manners and proper etiquette, your child will flourish, both socially and later in business.

Courtoisie School of Etiquette’s curriculum is supported by the South African Etiquette Academy.



Our mission at Courtoisie is to equip children and young adults with the tools to face any situation with confidence and give them every opportunity to ensure that they DO become the best possible version of themselves.


At Courtoisie it is our vision to see all children and young adults realize the extra ordinary potential that resides in each and every one of us and become exceptional people who lives life with confidence armed with all the life skills necessary to be successful at life.


Courtoisie School of Etiquette’s focus is aimed at outcomes such as good social skills, self-confidence, and a positive attitude.

We teach children to make better choices on how they behave, to feel good about themselves and their decisions, and to build better relationships with their family, friends, and teachers. Children are taught that good behaviour isn’t just about pleasing adults, it’s also about self-control, awareness, and a positive outlook.

At Courtoisie School of Etiquette, we cultivate an attitude of common courtesy and good manners that becomes a lifestyle and not just a rehearsed occasional act when circumstances dictate.

Students are taught to live our motto and “become the best possible version of themselves”.


Courtoisie School of Etiquette’s focus is aimed at outcomes such as good social skills, self-confidence, and a positive attitude.

We teach children to make better choices on how they behave, to feel good about themselves and their decisions, and to build better relationships with their family, friends, and teachers. Children are taught that good behaviour isn’t just about pleasing adults, it’s also about self-control, awareness, and a positive outlook.

At Courtoisie School of Etiquette, we cultivate an attitude of common courtesy and good manners that becomes a lifestyle and not just a rehearsed occasional act when circumstances dictate.

Students are taught to live our motto and “become the best possible version of themselves”.


The development of etiquette skills, rounding, personal image, and life skills are the drivers at Courtoisie School of Etiquette. We cater for all ages, pre-primary and primary school, high school, university students and adults. Themes such as first impressions, table manners, Restaurant etiquette, social etiquette, telephone etiquette, identity, wardrobe planning, preparing for job interviews etc. are presented during classes in an age-appropriate manner.

Although it is essential that these skills are introduced and developed from an early age, we have also found that many adults still feel intimidated or uncomfortable in certain settings whether socially or in business. At Courtoisie School of Etiquette we will ensure that you receive the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to feel confident in any situation.


❯ Weekly Etiquette Classes in the Pretoria East area
❯ Talks – Motivational as well as Topic Requests
❯ Outcome Based Courses:

• The Cultivated Professional
• Corporate Training
• Personal Branding
• Image and Personal Styling
• Social Courtesy
• Dining Etiquette
• Transition from School/University to Work Environment
• Leadership Development
• Adult Etiquette
• Attitude and P’s and Q’s (Training for Teenagers)
• Kiddoquette (Etiquette for Children)
• Private Etiquette Classes for clients with specific requirements in mind


❯ Weekly Etiquette Classes in the Pretoria East area
❯ Talks – Motivational as well as Topic Requests
❯ Outcome Based Courses:

• Young Gentleman’s Course / Jonge Heer Kursus
• Sparkle and Shine / Skitter en Sprankel
• Table Etiquette / Tafel Etiket
• Social Etiquette / Sosiale Etiket
• Personal Development / Persoonlike Ontwikkeling
• Corporate Image / Korporatiewe Beeld
• Style, Grooming and Clothing / Styl, Kleredrag en Persoonlike Versorging
• Presentation / Aanbieding


Have any questions? Send us a message or give us a call and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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